Embrace your Narrative.

Writing a book is a spiritual practice.
A memoir will change your life.


There’s a difference between those who write to demonstrate their expertise, and those who write to explore powerful themes of universal truth. The latter invites a space for transformation, for both writer and the reader.


  • High performance human

  • Motivated to achieve

  • Desire to accumulate more (accolade, wealth, status)

  • Authority-based writing


  • Has historically been an expert and experienced a trial of disillusionment and/or burnout

  • Motivated to connect 

  • Desire to contribute (legacy, wisdom, the real story)

  • Authenticity-based writing

 If you’re an Explorer, Memoir is the Right Medium for You

The creative process of memoir is opening a door to the mystery of your own unconscious, exploring the events of your life to connect to themes of the collective human experience. Courage is required, because what awaits on the other side of that door will surprise and often transform you. As you enter, you leave the door ajar for the readers who will journey behind you. Your words are a map to the treasure within. By connecting to yourself, you connect to the heart of the world.

“I was so afraid to share my story. I couldn’t have done it without Holly. She really captured my voice. She is truly magical.”

Dr. Sharon Huang, female founder and entrepreneur


Book your free 90 minute discovery call today.





  • Liberate your legacy

    Express your unique perspective

    Challenge the societal norms that restrict personal growth

    Document your family and cultural history

    Connect more deeply to yourself and the community you serve

    To make your mistakes into a masterpiece

  • Artists who want to connect deeply to their audience by sharing the stories and process behind the work

    Thought leaders who want to provoke a shift in their industry by sharing their unique insights and perspectives on life and work

    Spiritual seekers with hard-earned wisdom, and who draw meaning by sharing that wisdom with others

    Everyday heroes who have a compelling story to share, who want the next generation of their families to know the roots from which they sprang


Part One: The Break

Here are the hardships you’ve experienced. In order to be whole, you invite all that is broken, and what longs to break within you. Break down, break through, break free from the rules that bind you to that which has never been yours. And when the heart breaks open, and remains open, what is broken will become what is breathtaking

Part Two: The Revelation

Here you will discover new connections and meaning from all of your experiences, weaving the themes together in a beautiful tapestry grounded in metaphor. As we gently lift buried treasures and wisdom to the surface- the unconscious now conscious, teaching you how to heal, pointing you where to grow. Every precious page can it be—-an opportunity for alchemy through self-acceptance and expression, so that you can fully and wholly exist by being seen, by being heard, and by contributing, creating, evolving, everywhere you go—-breathing new life into your communities, conversations, and containers, where ideas and magic are bound to happen. 

Part Three: The Reclamation

Your story now revealed becomes a river of inspiration and insight. Through the process of embracing and sharing your narrative, you inspire others to embrace their authentic selves and navigate their own paths of self-acceptance and actualization.

“Holly is the best writer I know. She’s like a modern Mark fucking Twain.”

Ian Michaels, playwright, composer, and writer for Howard Stern


  • You’re a naturally gifted writer but you’ve gotten stuck in your creative process

    Writing a book is important to your platform or legacy, but you are juggling too many things and don’t have the time to execute

    You’re dealing with an illness that limits your physical or mental energy to complete a book

    Your zone of genius is not writing but you have an important story to tell

    You’ve got a ton of ideas and material but don’t know how best to organize and structure them

    You’re on a tight timeline

  • She’s prolific: in 12 months she wrote a novel, a poetry book, an album’s worth of music, wrote/produced/starred in her own musical—all while working a full time job

    As a certified coach and hypnotist, through a series of in-depth revelatory interviews, Holly is able to uncover deep insights and explore themes to reveal an entertaining, emotional story arc, connected by a thread of universal truth.

    A gifted musician and poet, she mimics and elevates the signature cadence of her clients’ natural voicing, so that the work enhances the author’s authentic message, all while remaining true to the author’s unique personality and perspective.


The Process

Month 1:

Month 2-6:
Writing the Manuscript

Month 7-8:
Completion and Delivery



Book Doula


  • Weekly group coaching calls for developing your book and expanding your creativity toolkit

  • Community access for encouragement and feedback

  • Library of writing and publishing resources

  • Developmental and line edit of your completed manuscript (2 revisions up to 50k words)


Book Surrogate


  • Full ghostwriting of manuscript

  • Guaranteed 50,000 word manuscript within 6 months


Your legacy is knocking. I dare you to open the door.


Book your free 90 minute discovery call today.

The Fine Print

I do not support material that contains bias or is discriminatory in nature. • 6 month manuscript delivery timeline guarantee requires client attendance of our weekly calls. Any missed weeks will result in a week’s delay of the final manuscript. • Manuscripts delayed due to client more than 2 months will require an additional $625 per week retainer until completion. • Additional rounds of editing will be priced at $15 per page. • As per industry courtesy, ghostwriting services may be credited by name in the foreword or acknowledgements section using mutually agreeable language.